Mobile or stationary, off grid or connected to public utilities, the one thing tiny houses always carry with them is the spirit of FREEDOM.
Whether it’s used for vacation rentals, pop up hotels or full-time living, there is a method in creating the perfect tiny house project for commerical purposes and using New Movement principles brings a holistic approach to creating the ultimate experience.
“We are constantly moving around
to ultimately
find stillness”

About tnm®
The New Movement is a new school of architecture born in an endless journey to define the structure as a sanctum for the soul.
An architecture geared to fuel the creativity and wellbeing of its inhabitants, whether they are permanent dwellers or transient visitors searching for inspiration.
An architecture that relies on the tension between constant movement and desired stillness, between the human memory palette and the unique site-specific properties of the location and it’s heritage.
The New Movement is based on a number of pillars that together create a holistic experience of wellbeing creativity and relatedness. A place to re-charge your batteries after a long journey and to re-stock on energies before the next one.
selected projects 04
the tiny house project
“As an architect living
a nomadic lifestyle,
I have a special place in my heart for tiny living. Tiny houses
in rural areas spark
my imagination.”

Just like many work processes that are being re-written, architecture no longer requires staying put, definitely not the kind of architecture that works globally in remote locations and based on inter-disciplinary hyper specialized teams.
podcast 49
Season 5 is dedicated to exploring our relationship with time, natural rhythms, and the balance between our inner tempo and the fast-paced world around us. This season unpacks how we live, create, and engage with our surroundings, striving for balance and harmony in the midst of constant motion.
01. How to Be A StrangerMichael Bungay Stanier Toronto, Canada43:13
02. Following the...Morningstar Khongthaw Meghalaya, India42:37
03. Growing architectureFerdinand Ludwig Munich, Germany49:06
04. Anthropology, Environment,...Daniel Naveh Hukok, Israel46:31
05. Deep Curiosity...Rinat Sherzer Tel Aviv, Israel44:09
06. Circular ConstructionDominik Campanella Berlin, Germany41:10
07. Time to ShiftAntonio Bortolotti Italy56:12
08. Seeds, Soil, and UsAndrew McMillion Norway48:26
09. In Conversation...Martin Lee Mueller Oslo, Norway1:11:14
10. Radical Hope...Anne Beate Hovind Oslo, Norway46:19
In the symphony of existence, a thread of connection weaves through all things. Our senses dance to the rhythm of life, entwining us with fellow humans, the wonders of nature, the unique spirit of a place, and the heartbeat of existence. Season 4 is dedicated to ecosystems: Through deep conversations with founders, thinkers, and leaders who craft extraordinary ecosystems, we begin to unfold the true magic where gathering and relating transforms who we are.
01. An invitation...Tim Leberecht Atlanta - Berlin47:26
02. Crafting memories...Pigalle Tavakkoli Berlin59:33
03. Neuroscience and...Natalia Filvarova Berlin57:44
04. Becoming ‘The...Victoria Taylor UK54:16
05. Boundless LifeRekha Magon Nomadic48:58
06. BloxhubTorben klitgaard Copenhagen, Denmark54:12
07. Customer-centric colivingLeah Ziliak Nomadic47:19
08. Unveiling UnDavos...Mark Turrell Berlin51:56
09. Dream WalkTyson Yunkaporta Australia29:33